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Super Vidalista Is A Medication Used To Treat Erectile Dysfunction And PE In Men. Super Vidalista Combines Two Active Ingredients To Treat Both Issues. Tadalafil Treats Erectile Dysfunction, Dapoxetine Treats The Causes Of Premature Ejaculation.

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Suffering from ED can be one of the worst issues that undermines your sexual life. But you have got an easy way to recover from your penis erection issues and this is possible using the Super Vidalista medicines.

Let us get to know about these medicines in more detail…

What Is Super Vidalista?

Super Vidalista is a unique medicine that can get you to the stage of complete sexual satisfaction. This medicine is meant for males who are suffering from two different types of sexual issues. One of the sexual issues is the inability to achieve a strong and hard erection. And the other disability for males is that they are unable to hold on to their ejaculation even if they somehow get a strong erection.

For curing both these disorders the Super Vidalista pills have two different ingredients present in them. One of them is Tadalafil which enables curing ED and providing impotent men with a strong and hard erection. The other ingredient present in the medicines is Dapoxetine which is the medicinal element to causes a delay in men’s ejaculating capabilities.

Uses OF Super Vidalista

As we have told you above the use of Super Vidalista is only valid when a male person is suffering from two different types of sexual disorders that is ED and premature ejaculation.

Remember that in case you are seeing symptoms of both these disorders avoid beginning a course of the Super Vidalista without obtaining the necessary consent from the doctors. It is only safe to use the medicine once you get a confirmation of the presence of both disorders from a doctor.

How Does Super Vidalista Work?

To understand how Super Vidalista pills work you will have to know about the working methods of each of the generic ingredients present in the pills.

Tadalafil the PDE-5 hormone-inhibiting element begins its erection-producing journey through the inhibition of the PDE-5 hormones. And then there is the vasodilation stage in which nitric oxide will ease the arterial walls allowing blood to flow more smoothly and easily through the penis tissues. This enrages the sensitivity of the region and hence the hard erection soon comes up.

Next up with dapoxetine, this generic element is capable of suppressing the reuptake capabilities of the serotonin hormone. This means that your brain cells now have much higher quantities of serotonin hormone in them which allows you to get a much better control over your ejaculation.

Benefits OF Super Vidalista

Of course one of the benefits provided by the super vidalista tablet is indeed rare. It is its capabilities in terms of curing two different types of sexual disorders that make it so unique.

Using the Super Vidalista males can achieve complete sexual satisfaction both in terms of getting a hard erection and also allowing them to control and delay ejaculating.

Super Vidalista Side Effects

Usually, if you have the side effects of super vidalista tablet it may occur due to a variety of reasons. One of the possibilities is that you are either having too much Tadalafil or Dapoxetine. You can visit the doctors to allow them to reduce your daily dose. The possibility of having a rare allergic issue with either of the generic substances of the medicine cannot be ruled out either.

Generally, you may have side effects occurring mildly and these include headache, dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps, dry mouth, and so on.

On very rare occasions, it is possible to experience some of the severe side effects of the medicine which include chest pain, priapism, fall in blood pressure, lower libido, and so on.

Super Vidalista Dosage

You have thus far come to know about the dual ingredient being present in the Super Vidalista pills. but do you have any idea regarding the Super Vidalista Dosage?

Well, the amount of Tadalafil present in the medicine is 20mg. And for dapoxetine, it is 60mg. This means that with a single medicine, the total dose is 80mg. other dose of vidalista is Vidalista 20 and Vidalista 80 mg yellow.

Miss Dose

Since both Tadalafil and Dapoxetine are only capable of producing temporary effects you may not get either effect of the medicine if you miss your dose.


When you take two or more pills within a day or else the dose of either of the substances becomes too high to sustain and cope within your body that is when the side effects seem to occur.

How To Use Super Vidalista

To use Super Vidalista medicines fix out a time of the day usually before the time you get intimate with your partner and have the medicine. It is also necessary to leave some time out since the generic substances of the medicine will also need a little time to activate.

When Not To Use Super Vidalista?

Generally, the reasons for not using Super Vidalista 80mg medicines can be having any severe side effects or the doctors not recommending the medicine based on your current health issues.


Here are some of the warnings you need to keep in mind at the time of administering the Super Vidalista medicines-

  • Avoid taking it unless you have turned 18.
  • Do not even take in the medicine mistakenly if you are a female.
  • Avoid taking in any of the contraindicating substances as we have mentioned below.
  • Do not use more than a single pill for daily use.


Among the list of non-medicinal substances is alcohol and grape juice which patients have to avoid since it may form contraindication with either of the generic substances of Super Vidalista 80 mg.

But among the list of medicinal substances includes those that contain nitrates and are used for controlling blood pressure, medicines coming under the category of alpha and beta blockers along protease hormone inhibitors.


You can easily store the sachet of medicines in normal room temperature conditions. Avoid storing in too high temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius and those that have a high humidity.

Active ingredientTadalafil/Depoxetine
Shipping6 To 15 days
Last Updated on November 19, 2024
Frequnetaly Asked Questions Ask New Question
What Generic Substances Are Present In The Super Vidalista?

Two generic substances form the composition of the Super Vidalista tab. These include Tadalafil and Dapoxetine.

Is There Any Other Dose Of The Medicine?

Yes, there is a dose known as Extra Super Vidalista which contains 40mg of Tadalafil and 60mg Dapoxetine.

How Long Can The Effects Be Sustained With The Super Vidalista Pills?

Mostly the effects can survive for about 6 hours.

Can It Cure Both Disorders?

No, the medicine is best for use for only a short-term effect.

Is It Safe To Administer Both Tadalafil And Dapoxetine?

Yes, it is safe to administer both these substances together since they do not interact with one another and have been approved by the FDA.

How Long To Wait Until The Medicine Begins Producing Visual Effects?

Generally, the time for waiting is not more than half an hour.


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