How to incorporate eyelash growth serums into your beauty routine?

eyelash growth

➺ Your daily makeup and beauty routine generally consists of taking adequate care of your facial and overall skin tone and color, the use of several beautifying cosmetic items.

➺ It includes facial serums, facial creams, various face wash gels, mascara, and other items.

➺ But often in our beautification routine, we don’t tend to take care of our eyelashes which are just as important. No doubt that your eyes are an instant attraction that may differentiate you from the rest at just a glance.

➺ Often we find out that women or even anyone would not take adequate care of their eyelash growth.

➺ You would want to apply artificial eyelashes if you have sparse or premature hair fall in your eyelashes. But why this ignorance when you can grow your eyelashes as beautiful or strong and long?

➺ In this article, we shall find out how you can incorporate the use of eyelash growth serums such as Careprost Plus in your daily beautification routine and figure out how you can avoid using artificial eyelashes ever again.

➺ So let’s begin…

What Are Eyelash Growth Serums?

eyelash growth

➺ Eyelash growth serums as the name suggests are a specific type of serum or liquid item that helps in the growth of the eyelashes.

➺ Such eyelash growth serums have vital nutrients in them that help in the growth of longer eyelashes making your eyes glowing and ever beautiful.

➺ An eyelash growth serum would also be able to prevent other issues with your eyelashes such as sparse eyelashes, premature hair fall of eyelashes, and others.

➺ The use of eyelash growth serums is a good idea to incorporate into your daily beautification routine to avoid the use of harmful artificial eyelashes or eyelash enhancers.

➺ Such products can generally cause more premature hair fall resulting in sparse eyelashes.

Is Careprost A Good Eyelash Growth Serum?

Careprost is often one of the most recommended eyelash growth serums recommended from doctors.

careprost contains the generic element Bimatoprost which helps in causing the growth of eyelash hair and provides essential nutrients to the hair follicles so that it prevents the premature hair fall of eyelashes and denser and longer eyelashes.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Careprost For Your Eyelashes?

➺ When you use Careprost eye drop (with a brush) it not only helps in growing your eyelashes but also addresses some of the other major concerns regarding eyelashes.

➺ One is that it can help in providing a denser eyelash. It helps in the growth of eyelashes from the hair follicles providing a thicker eyelash.

➺ Another benefit of using careprost is that it can also help in premature hair fall of your eyelashes.

➺ As we told you above, it provides the essential nutrients to the hair follicles which ensures that your eyelash hair is strong and doesn’t fall off prematurely.

How Do You Make Use Of Careprost In Your Beautification Routine?

eyelash growth

➺ So, let us come to the main topic which is how to incorporate eyelash serums such as Careprost in your daily beautification routine.

➺ Well, we must recommend that since it is a form of medicinal substance you must remove any form of makeup on your face and the eyes.

➺ Ensure that you remove any form of eye mascara or kajal before applying careprost with a brush to the eyelashes. This means that you won’t be using the careprost serum when you are busy with your makeup.

➺ Rather it is a good idea to use the careprost daily and ensure that you never have to use artificial products such as eyelash enhancers or artificial eyelashes.

➺ After regularly using the careprost serum on your eyelashes for a few weeks you can notice darker and longer eyelashes and this makes your eyes all the more attractive.

➺ Hence we highly recommend you not to use the careprost along with your makeup.

➺ Rather we recommend you use the eyelash serum at night when you have removed all your makeup as the serum would then be absorbed deep inside the hair follicles providing the benefits required.

When And How To Apply Careprost?

eyelash growth serums

As we told you above, the best time to use careprost is once you are back from any function or party event. 

Use the careprost eyelash growth serum daily at night when you go to sleep after removing all your eye makeup.

  • Always Prep Properly
  • Apply Along Upper Lash Lines
  • Let Dry
  • Use Nightly
  • Set Realistic Schedule
  • Maintain Gains
  • Rotate Products
  • Monitor Results

For applying the careprost eyelash serum we recommend you use an eye brush. Using this brush dip it into the serum and comb your eyelashes from the inside out to apply the serum on the eyelashes.

Comb the eyelashes a few times on both your eyes and let them sit for at least a few hours. Consider washing your eyes in the morning after you wake up.

Dose For Careprost

Generally, the doctors recommend that only a small amount of the careprost eyelash growth serum is to be used daily.

Don’t apply a lot of the eyelash serum on your eyelashes or else it may also cause some irritation itching, burning, and other issues.

Since the careprost is a preventive way of growing eyelashes we recommend the use of the serum daily for a few weeks at least for visible changes to appear.

Remember that it will only be able to produce gradual effects and no overnight magical changes are possible with the use of careprost.

Did You know ?

➪ Massage half teaspoon of aloevera gel with 1/4th teaspoon of fengrueek paste and 2 drops of castor oil on eyebrows and eyelash growth for 2 minutes then let it stay overnight.

➪ This is one of the most effective remedy to grow eyebrows and eyelashes 2 times faster.

➪ Please do take care that this mixture doesn’t enters in your eyes

Precaution Measures With The Use Of Eyelash Serums

Whenever you are using careprost serum on your eyes, ensure to remove the makeup on the eyes. remove any form of mascara, tone, or kajal on your eyes before application of the serum.

Also, we recommend you wash your eyes once with clean running water. Ensure to sit in front of a mirror when applying the careprost eye drops on your eyelashes to get a better view.

This would also prevent the accidental pouring of the eyelash serum inside your eyes which may cause burning and irritation. We also recommend you consult with a doctor before the use of careprost for growing your eyelashes get an idea of a suitable dose.

Final Say

So, as you can see in this article we have mentioned in detail how you can use careprost in your daily beautification routine to grow thicker and longer eyelashes and make your appearance stand out among others. Remember that you must not use it with makeup.

The use of careprost can bring an end to the forceful use of eyelash enhancers and other cosmetic products that Are indeed harmful to your eyelashes.


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