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Dapoxetine Tablets
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Duratia (Priligy) Is The First Medicine Developed To Treat The Condition Known As Premature Ejaculation In Men. It Contains Principle Ingredient As Dapoxetine Which Belongs To Class Of Medication Known As Fast Acting SSRIs.

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Are you suffering from the issues of early ejaculation? Can’t you hold on to your ejaculation capabilities for long enough which is causing you dissatisfaction in your sexual life?

In case if you are suffering from these symptoms you may visit the doctor for it may be true that you are suffering from a sexual disorder known as premature ejaculation.

In this article, we are going to find out about a medicine named Duratia which can help you achieve a much-delayed ejaculation and thus provide complete sexual satisfaction.

What Is Duratia?

Duratia is potentially the medicine that may help you in achieving many delays in your ejaculation. Possibly with the use of this medicine, you will be able to recover from early ejaculating tendencies and achieve complete sexual satisfaction.

Duratia is the name of the medicine that contains the generic element of Dapoxetine in it which may help you in getting a much better control over ejaculation.

Use Of Duratia?

Duratia tablets prescription purpose is only for curing the male sexual issues of premature ejaculation. With the use of the medicine, you can only get a temporary cure over the symptoms of early ejaculation.

While the medicine is very good for showing up short-term effects for a few hours no permanent or long-term changes can be seen even when using the medicine for possibly a few months.

Get to know about the exact usage details from a doctor such as how long and when possibly you may need to administer the medicines from a doctor only.

How Do Duratia Tablets Work?

When taken in a pill containing generic Dapoxetine it will promote its usual working actions which is to showcase serotonin reuptake inhibitory mechanism tendencies. With the use of the pills, the selective serotonin hormones are largely present in the brain which cure any form of depression or stress due to which you may have not been able to control your ejaculation.

With more serotonin hormone being present in your brain now you can essentially cure your penis’s early ejaculation issues easily and thus be able to achieve long enough sexual periods without having to ejaculate.

Dosage Of Duratia

Duratia is a brand of generic medicines that cures symptoms of potential premature ejaculation that comes available in various doses. Now each of these doses has its significance. Doctors will recommend a dose depending on the criticality of the premature ejaculation disorder itself along with knowing about your age and the current health issues if any.

Remember that the smallest dose possible with the Duratia brand of medicines is Duratia 30 mg. Other than this there are two more variants which are the Duratia 60 mg and the Duratia 90 mg dose of Duratia pills.

Duratia Side Effects

Usually, men may have some chances of getting adverse effects with the use of the pills especially when having an overdose of the medicine. Now depending on the volume you overdose the type of side effects too will vary.

It potentially includes mild side effects such as a light headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, palpitations, nervousness, tremors, and other tendencies.

Along with this, it is also rarely possible that you may have some severe side effects of the medicine such as vision blurring, erectile dysfunction, ringing sensation in the ears, hallucination, and so on.

What Duratia Tablets Precautions Need To Take?

Intake of Duratia USA medicines requires following some basic guidelines and some special instructions depending on your health issues.

General Instructions

Generally, patients are instructed to avoid changing the dose anyway without consulting the doctors. So neither should you take two or more pills in one go nor should you buy and use a higher dose other than the one recommended.

It is potentially the intake of any addictive substances such as alcohol or narcotic substances that may cause you to have faster and more vigorous side effects.

Avoid driving too, especially when you are already having a slight headache or if you feel dizzy just after administering the medicines.

General warnings

Usually, doctors will warn you not to take any form of addictive substances for they may cause you the maximum chances of having side effects.

It is also possible that you may have some side effects with the use of other contraindicating medicines. Let the doctors check out any medicine that you may be using currently.

When Not To Use?

Usually, it is in cases when the patient is suffering from daily side effects that they may avoid using the pills.

Warnings For Special Population


The medicine itself is not recommendable for pregnant women.


Usually, the intention behind the use of the Duratia medicines is only applicable in the case of males.

Active ingredientDapoxetine
Shipping6 To 15 days
Last Updated on November 25, 2024


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Frequnetaly Asked Questions Ask New Question
What Are The Possible Doses For Duratia Medicines?

Duratia medicines are available in three dose variants- 30mg, 60mg, and 90mg.

How Long Can A Pill Possibly Produce Delayed Ejaculation Effects?

Possibly a medicine of Duratia may give effects for about 6 to 8 hours depending on the dose amount.

How Long Does It Take For A Single Duratia Medicine To Produce Effects?

You may need to take each medicine about half an hour early before the medicinal effects kick in.

Is It Safe For Use In Women?

Women must refrain from using this medicine since its effects are better for men only.

Can Someone Suffering From A Heart Disorder Possibly Take The Duratia Medicines?

No, in case you are suffering from a heart disorder taking the pills can be too critical for your health.

What Is The FDA's Recommendation For Using Any Brand Of Pills?

FDA recommends one brand of Dapoxetine which is Priligy.

What Are The Other Possible Generic Doses For Duratia Pills?

Other possible generic brand variants include Poxet, Dapox, Dapoforce, and so on.


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